Clarifying Intentions


How do I  set strong intentions?

Spend some time in meditation or at least take several long, deep breaths to settle into peace and expand yourself. Peaceful breath makes a peaceful mind, and a peaceful mind can set a more powerful intention.


Next, clarify your intentions in a way that frees them from negating statements. This allows you to be in a more expanded place when you release them. A more expanded place will give your intentions greater strength and momentum.  For example, rather than setting an intention that you not get sick, hold an intention that you are well. “I am well, and experiencing full enjoyment of the body.” This is a powerful thought to hold, and the soul knows that there is only truth in this statement “I am well.”  More about the science of intentions...


Do you have to be in attendance to set puja intentions or benefit from a puja?

Your soul and your intentions can harness the puja’s expanding power whether you’re present or not. Your physical location is not as significant as your state of being for setting your intentions and your contribution, which intertwines your karmic energy with the energy of the fire processes. It is also very helpful to be in meditation or connection during the time of the ceremony to receive deeply. The day of the puja take a few deep breaths and hold the thought that you are connected to the puja. If you can do this at the puja hour it is even more beneficial. More on karma in fire pujas…



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