The Science of Fire Pujas

“Remember that the soul asks for ritual because the soul interprets through .
experience. And if we give it no experience to interpret its depths, then the
soul becomes deadened and listless in our form.

Ritual awakens within us memories of connecting and reconnecting. So even
in our sorrow we’re connecting; even in our prayers we’re connecting. We’re
reawakening the self as it interacts with this existence.”      
. - Maharaji  (more teachings on ceremony...)


The Fire Puja 

Fire is an ancient piece of technology. As with each of the 5 elements, it is a pure manifestation of the Divine consciousness. With proper understanding, this purity can be extended to create a doorway through which God and Guru can come and be in form with us, by taking the fire as a physical body.


Fire pujas create a physical vortex that amplifies, many times over, the intentions with which they are performed. “These ceremonies are done in union. It is the voice of the God within that pulls our hearts to awaken, to shine outwardly, and to move us into ceremony.”


These fires are performed at the instruction of a lineage of teachers and on their behalf, to allow the great teachers and the lineage to come through this door with their intentions and blessings for those gathered, and for the world as well. At this time they are now being made available for wider participation.


There are specific pujas helpful for clearing, balancing, and manifesting a new life. They can be performed for you remotely, no matter you're location in the world. If there is a need or a pull for a puja to be performed for yourself or someone you know, contact us here...



For information on how to participate in our monthly puja...