Meditation tools and products



Sacred Space Yantras

Properly energized yantras are doorways to other realms where the energies of heaven can be easily enlisted to support the intentions of our lives. It's our great privledge to be sharing Seba Justine's... Sacred Yantra Art



Gem Stone Malas and Meditation tools

Meditation malas and gem stones can be helpful for meditation, health, and spiritual growth. The gems of the Earth are considered by many as the regulating and balancing organs of the planet. Just as the human organs allow the body to cleanse and sustain itself, the Earth's gemstones have specific missions to balance the energies of the planet and its inhabitants.


Many would say that it's no accident that gemstones have long been considered valuable, as we intuitively recognize their power and their energy. Remember too that they are living. They grow within the Earth and even have a pulse. This pulse is why quartz is used in watches to keep them precise and accurate.


Gems can support our journey into spiritual growth and physical healing as we are part of the Earth as well. They have a long history of helping us...  welcome them!


We will be providing a comprehensive collection of meditation tools shortly.