Moon Cycle Intentions

Our own intentions for creation and growth can harness the currents of the
massive energies of the cycles of the Moon and the Sun if we attune to them.
Our physical bodies are predominantly water and subject to the large influences Moon_Puja2b

the moon and the sun have on the watery components of our planet. Intentions set in conjunction with the full moon and new moon can ride a natural energizing current that continues to build over the course of the cycle, and further still throughout the cycles of the year. When we combine our intentions with both the moon cycle and the technology of puja, this opportunity is then further amplified many, many times over.


Pujas and rituals allow us to open our sails at just the right time to catch the wind. First, by elevating us to a clearer more conscious place, where we are much more receptive to both experience these energy currents and bring clear intentions to them. A more conscious state allows us to ingest more of the subtle energies, which bring us greater expansion.


In this expanded state, we’re then able to release a much more energized intention.  All intention is thought. When you expand yourself through puja, you are clearing the space so that your intentions
can go much farther.  Puja provides something even more potent, however,
as it provides the technology for the great consciousness of the universe to
amplify these intentions even further.


By aligning to the deep, divine aspects of the consciousness that connects
these heavenly bodies, and by inviting that consciousness to help carry the
energy to you or away from you as the case may be, your intentions can  
then enjoy a higher, far more potent expression.  
More about how pujas amplify intentions…


How can I participate in the next fire puja in person or remotely?